As of May I'm an All-American boy that has decided to go on holiday and travel across America the country I love. Its step one in leaving the drone rat race.

*Beloved friends think I'm having a mid-life crisis.

Who am I?

I consider myself a bit of a polymath. That's a fancy word for someone that has a ton of interests, dives deep into each one, gaining skills and knowledge across large, disparate areas.

I've been a financial advisor, securities trader, and insurance agent. By temperment and inclination I'm a writer and journalist. My little scribblings have appearanced in over a 100+ articles; including Black Enterprise Magazine, Tampa Bay Tribune, Active Trader Magazine, and Currency Trader. I was even on Oprah once!

Town hall on Oprah with Bill O'Rielly

On the creative side I've written five non-fiction books; Things I Wish I Knew in College, Gold and Silver for Your Financial Security, America's First Feast, Commander-in-Failure and Natural Born Conservative.

Thus far I've written three books in the Madison Jennings series, a YA thriller about a group of high school students that uncover a terrorist plot in thier high school.

What I'm Working On

  1. I'm leaving corporate America. Let's hope its for good. I've got a general plan related to contect creation, writing, and a financial business.
  2. Wheels to Adventure is the introduction property for my upcoming, "I Love America Tour." My brother and myself will be hitting the road and writing, filming, and documenting the trip. Think of it as a combo travel and love of country newsletter. I'm sooo over hearing how much America sucks. It doesn' least not yet. We'll see what happens with Biden.
  3. On YouTube I'm developing a channel the follows business news and events. More projects on that site will be coming, but I've got to keep the subject matter underwraps right now. More to come soon.
  4. I'm writing books four and five in my novel series and will be writing a set of serialized short stories inspired by my trip, covering mutiple genres.

Get in Touch

Social media is getting--has been crazy. The tech overlords are silencing speech and grinning about it. That makes following anyone of interest difficult. Subscribing to this newsletter is the best first step,but here are the places you can find me as well.